Journal Imprint
Peer Review
All submissions to the journal will undergo a rigorous double blind peer review process. By peer review, this means that the Volume Editor or Special Issue Editor will obtain advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ who are experts in the area of the subject matter of the manuscript and are not part of the journal’s editorial staff. The editor may choose to use members of the editorial board or seek an ad hoc review from another subject matter expert. All reviewers are asked to review the COPE guidelines on peer review . Double blind peer review means that both the identity of the author and reviewers are anonymous. The Volume Editor or Special Issue Editor will ensure all identifying information is removed from the manuscript before reviewers are contacted. Final decisions on manuscripts are made by the Volume Editor or Special Issue Editor.
Manuscripts must adhere to the most recent APA format guidelines. Please see the instructions for authors to ensure you have included all required components of a manuscript before submitting. Manuscripts that are incomplete or do not follow the required guidelines will be returned to the author.